Social Impact Charities - Speaking Special Events

Cause A Difference

Charities and Social Impact Engines

At Kendell Ventures and with all our companies and associations, we support and build communities. We are committed to being a leader in corporate citizenship by partnering with organizations and groups that show great “measurable differences” in their missions.

A Child's Hope Foundation

Every child deserves a family—whether it’s a birth family, adopted family, foster family, or even inside a family-style orphanage. Millions of children worldwide need the care and support that only a family can give.  A Child’s Hope Foundation relights the flame of hope in children’s hearts by helping them find the real meaning of family in whatever their unique circumstances:

No two families are alike. No two children are alike. That’s why A Child’s Hope Foundation works to help children in a variety of situations and circumstances—because every child deserves the hope and comfort of a family.

Stan Lee Foundation

Stan Lee, the prolific co-creator of Spider-Man®, The Incredible Hulk®, X-Men®, The Fantastic Four® and Iron Man,® has taken on many of his own heroic efforts over the years. As a former publisher of Marvel® Comics, Lee has maintained a passion for the literary arts and a desire to share the written word. With the Stan Lee Foundation, that commitment to literacy, arts and education will be instilled in future generations for years to come.

The Stan Lee Foundation is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide access to literacy, education and the arts throughout the nation.

rise institute logo

Rise Institute

There are over one billion people world-wide who struggle with reading. These people are not just statistics. They have hopes and dreams, periods of struggle, and success. And most importantly, they face their challenges to become champions to their families and communities. Their faces and stories may be familiar. After all, they could be people in your own backyard.

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Communities in Schools

We are the nation’s largest and most effective organization dedicated to keeping kids in school and helping them succeed in life. Our unique model positions site coordinators inside schools to assess students’ needs and provide resources to help them succeed in the classroom and in life. We partner with local businesses, social service agencies, health care providers and volunteers. Whether it’s food, school supplies, health care, counseling, academic assistance or a positive role model, Communities In Schools is there to help.

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World Summit

The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates is an annual event in the field of peacemaking, attracting Nobel Peace Prize laureates, high-profile leaders and organizations from around the globe. The Summit, created by Vadim Zagladin and the Gorbachev Foundation, is chaired by former Soviet President and Nobel Peace laureate Mikhail Gorbachev and co-chaired by former Mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni. The event is organized by Permanent Secretariat of The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, created in 2006: a non-profit organization based in Rome and Moscow. Summits have taken place annually from 1999.

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Communities of Hope

Technology development is one of our areas of greatest expertise and passions. We love developing ideas from inception on a napkin to the shelves of a store or deployment in industry.

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Trapper Trails

The Boy Scouts of America’s goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations.

Speaking - Seminars - Teaching Engagements

  • Technology Development
  • Business Acceleration
  • Ecclesiastical History
  • Social Impact Investing
  • World Water Crisis / Water Management
  • Cyber and Personal Security
  • Personal Development & Goals
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Special Events

Kendell Ventures, through its portfolio companies has designed, developed and produced many world-class events such as:

  • Jackie Chan - Green Hero Tour
  • Barcelona Olympic Promotional Tour - 10 City North America Tour
  • World Expo ’92 (Seville Spain) – 10 City North America Tour
  • CitiCorp Comedy Channel – College Campus Tour
  • BYU Quarterback Cruises