Celeris Labs

Incubator / Accelerator
Celeris Labs is a purpose-driven incubator – accelerator ofgreat ideas, technologies and businesses. We develop our own technologies andideas as well as offer our innovation ecosystem to others to develop,accelerate and expand their business concepts. We also provide micro-internships, paid work experience andother work opportunities for those less fortunate that want to build experienceand expand their opportunities for growth.

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Our purpose is to develop value in projects and buildfamilies. We believe that true impact of any of our activitiesbegins within the walls of our own homes and communities.  There, we can cause things to happen.  It is there where the impact can be seen,measured and duplicated more easily than other grandiose ideas.

Sentinel Foundation

Sentinel Foundation was founded with one goal in mind – to end underage children being exploited around the world. While this cause isn’t new, our method to achieve it is. We have the personnel, technology, the law enforcement support, and more importantly the perseverance to see it through. The Sentinel Foundation Operations team focuses on targeting elusive child traffickers that use highly skilled methods to find and exploit their victims. Children in underdeveloped and under resourced countries have virtually no defense against these networks.

Upward Reach Foundation

Over the past 20 years the Foundation has provided a variety of mental health and substance abuse services. In recent years Upward Reach has focused on developing an evidence-based pornography prevention program. Upward Reach’s number one objective is to eliminate underage viewing of pornographic material. The science of prevention has successfully demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing a variety of problem behaviors including alcohol use, drug use, suicide, etc. There has been no organized effort or research pursuing a prevention program focusing on the underage viewing of pornography. Upward Reach has embarked on this project of developing, executing, and researching an effective pornography prevention program.

Voices For Virtue

The Foundation adapts strategies that have already been proven to have successfully prevented underage alcohol use to the area of underage viewing of pornography. Voices For Virtue is based on proven prevention strategies from Communities That Care. Porn Proofing Kids is based on the proven prevention strategies from Parents Empowered. The adaptation includes adding the component of “Wholesome Sexuality” to these proven prevention strategies.